
Professional Development

Isadora Masterclass

With Christopher Ash. On the FRANCIS FOOTWORK stage. Creators of all kinds – performance artists, designers, audio-visual techs, VJs – are able to craft unique environments, improvise and produce experimental experiences through the immersive, reactive system Isadora provides. 


Thank you Philippa!

As we wish Philippa Donnellan all the very best in her new adventures, words cannot express our immense gratitude for the rich and unique contribution that she has made to the company as founder & Director of CoisCéim BROADREACH over the last 15 years. We will strive to build on your legacy – THANK YOU.


42 Fairview Strand

A SPACE TO DANCE, A PLACE TO DREAM. In August 2021, CoisCéim moved into the the landmark building at 42 Fairview Strand having transformed the space into a hub for creative experimentation with the …


Be Part of our Future

JOIN OUR BOARD. Are you enthusiastic about CoisCéim and our work – either as an audience member or participant? Are you interested in bringing your voice into our board room to inform our future …


Culture Ireland's Seoda 2021


The Wolf and Peter & How to Sink a Paper Boat By David Bolger. Dedicated to Emma O’Kane and Monica Frawley. We are delighted to be a part of Culture Ireland’s global online programme SEODA …


Emma O’Kane

Words cannot express our sorrow at the passing of Emma O’Kane on 10 February 2021. Our Artistic Director, David Bolger writes:   “It is with profound and heavy hearts that we learnt of the …