Rates of Pay

As a public funded company CoisCéim aims to ensure that all artists, creative and technical team members are remunerated appropriately in line with sector guidelines and equally across disciplines in line with the Arts Council of Ireland's "Paying the Artist" policy. The most recent increases took place in January 2024. Please see below for more details.


Rehearsal & Performance €850 per week
Development €800 per week
Additional Days €170
Half Day / Session €85
Contract Type: PAYE (pension auto-enrolment from 30 September 2025)
Statutory Holiday Pay

A royalty floor applies to all VR screen related materials.

Creative Team

Please note that all Creative Team fees are project dependent and inclusive of VAT, the figures below are for guideline purposes only.

Contract Type: Freelance / Licence
Additional Days €200-250
General Terms: All copyrights remains with artist at all times. Artist grants exclusive licence for 18 months – non-exclusive thereafter. Design fee covers licence for use of design for 18 months from date of premiere performance. 1/3 original fee payable for each following year in the event that more than 6 performances are staged during the period. A royalty floor applies to all screen related materials.

Technical & Stage Team

PRODUCTION MANAGER Fixed fee based on €1000 per week
Contract Type Freelance / First Call

CHIEF LX/FX/AV Fixed fee based on €900 per week
Contract Type Freelance / First Call

TECHNICIAN Fixed fee based on €750-800 per week. Per 4 hour session variable, min €16.00/ hour.
Contract Type Freelance / First Call

STAGE MANAGER up to €850 per week
Contract Type PAYE unless tax clearance cert provided. Statutory Holiday Pay.

ASST STAGE MANAGER up to €700 per week
Contract Type PAYE unless tax clearance cert provided. Statutory Holiday Pay.

WARDROBE €600 per week
Contract Type Freelance / First Call

Broadreach Team

TEACHER FEES from €100 per session
WORKSHOP DELIVERY FEES from €100 to €165 (non-profit) | from €150+ (other) 

Touring: All Personnel

Travel Organised and paid for by the company. Accommodation Organised and paid for by the company. Per Diem €35 / day per night spent outside Dublin

Team Members Living Outside the Greater Dublin Area

In general – accommodation will be offered during tech/night time performances to people who live more than 45km from Dublin city centre or where public transport services are restricted in the evenings. Terms and conditions to be agreed in advance on a case by case basis.

Working Hours

CoisCéim operates in accordance with the organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 and in line with SOLT and Equity guidelines. We request that all employees and freelance personnel make themselves familiar with the terms of this Act especially in relation to number of hours worked. While it is understood that flexibility in working hours especially during technical rehearsals is required, the company does not expect any person to work an average of more that 8 hours per day up to a maximum of 48 hours per week over the contract duration.

Click below for an overview and downloads of CoisCéim’s Policies and Procedures including the company’s Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy and those related to working with us.

Policies & Procedures