Theo Dorgan headshot

Theo Dorgan

Theo Dorgan is a poet with ten collections published, the most recent being ONCE WAS A BOY, which has just received the accolade of One City, One Book 2024 in his native Cork. He is also a novelist, documentary screenwriter, translator, essayist and editor. In 2022 he devised the script for ANU's production of STAGING THE TREATY (now also a film available
from IFI, both directed by Louise Lowe), and he scripted and presented the multi-award-winning Alan Gilsenan documentary AN BUACHAILL GEALGHÁIREACH/THE LAUGHING BOY. Translations of his work have been published in Greek, Italian and French, with a volume in Spanish due in 2024. He is a member of Aosdána.

Productions, Films & Projects