Jessie Thompson
Jessie Thompson is a Dublin based Dance Artist specializing in Experimental Contemporary and Hip Hop dance. In 2023 Jessie Thompson was an Inaugural artist commissioned by CoisCeim and Waterways Ireland to create a site specific solo titled ‘BENCH’. Jessie also Choreographed and Performed in ‘This Solution’ in Dublin Theatre Festival and presented a solo in progress ‘CRAWLER’ at Dublin Dance Festival 2022 and 2023, Jessie is now a guest choreographer for Limerick Youth Dance Company 2024. She has performed in Maria Nilsson wallers Riverine, Emma Martin/United Falls Night Dances in DTF and Edinburgh Fringe, Rosie Stebbings ‘Test 1’ in WhatNext Festival and worked with companies such as TasteinYourMouth, OnetwoOneTwo, Monica Munoz, Liz Roche Company, Simone O’Toole. Jessie won Red bull Dance Your Style Ireland in 2023 and represented in the world Final.