
James F. Ingalls


James F. Ingalls is an American Lighting Designer. Training: Yale School of Drama; University of Connecticut.

Druid: The Beacon, DruidShakespeare: Richard III, The Beauty Queen of Leenane, Waiting for Godot, DruidShakespeare: Richard II, Henry IV (Pts 1&2), Henry V.
Gate Theatre: Pale Sister

Designs for dance: The Firebird (Miami City Ballet), Unbound (San Francisco Ballet’s New Works Festival), several pieces for Paul Taylor, many pieces for Mark Morris including The Hard Nutand L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato; Twyla Tharp’s 50th Anniversary Tour.

Designs for opera: world premieres of John Adams’ Doctor Atomic and Nixon in China; and of Kaija Saariaho’s Only the Sound Remains and L’Amour de Loin, all directed by Peter Sellars; Il Farnace and Kat’a Kabanova, both directed by Garry Hynes (Spoleto Festival/USA); ten productions at the Metropolitan Opera.

He often collaborates with the Wooden Floor dancers, Santa Ana, California.