Thank you for your donation!

Ireland’s Charitable Donation Scheme allows us to claim tax relief on qualifying donations made to approved bodies. If a person donates €250 or more in a year – we, as an approved body can claim a refund of tax paid on that donation. 

By reclaiming tax on your donation, CoisCéim can increase the value by up to an additional 45%. It only takes a couple minutes to complete the form required for us to reclaim the tax. Download the CHY3 (valid for 5 years) or CHY4 (valid for 1 year) form below, complete the details and post to CoisCéim. It is that simple! 

Step 1 | Download

CHY3 Enduring Certificate enables us to claim tax relief if you donate €250+ in any of the five years covered by the form. It simplifies the tax relief process for us both. It’s the most effective way for us to claim the tax rebate. Note it does NOT commit you to making donations. Click here to download the form


CHY4 Annual Certificate only allows us to claim tax relief for the year in which you made the donation. If you donate to us in any following year, you will need to complete the CHY4 form again. Click here to download the form

Step 2 | Post

Please post your completed form to CoisCéim Dance Theatre – 42 Fairview Strand, Dublin 3, D03YV62

What Happens Next

When you return the signed form to CoisCéim, we forward the donation information along with your PPS number to the Revenue Commissioners. We store the data securely only for the purpose of obtaining tax rebates.

Revenue pays the tax relief to CoisCéim when satisfied that you have paid at least the donation amount in income tax. We don’t receive any information on individual taxpayers.


See Revenue’s FAQ at