
The Choreography Project 14

Led by Liv O’Donoghue

In the Wake of Our Choices


Over 4 weeks in 2019, radical choreographer Liv O’Donoghue worked with a group of 18 adults – to respond to current social and political events – and to collaborate, devise and perform new dance theatre. The project was thought-provoking and discursive, physically challenging and highly inventive. 

IN THE WAKE OF OUR CHOICES culminated in 2 informal showings for friends, family and members of the public in the wonderfully dramatic space of D-LIGHT STUDIOS, Saturday 17 February 2019.


“It’s been such a pleasure to dance and work with this brilliant group of dancers over the past four weeks. Together we looked at our personal and collective fears for the future, situating the work in a context that has relevance to the real world around us.

IN THE WAKE OF OUR CHOICES is a piece created in response to the current social and political affairs that have left us all reeling. In an era of chaos where we are questioning truth, trust and authority, a group of 18 people, from different backgrounds and experiences, came together to work collaboratively, creating a work of power at odds with the fear and distrust swirling around us. In this piece, we confront our fears of the inevitable in a way that I hope can be cathartic or at least make us and our audiences pause a moment.

I’d like to thank all of the dancers for their generosity in allowing themselves to be open to the process and to each other, and as well to thank everyone at CoisCéim for creating this incredible container for creatively and play.”

– Liv O’Donoghue, 2019


Photo by Luca Truffarelli.


WHEN Sunday 17 February, 2.30pm and 4pm, duration 20-25mins
WHERE D-Light Studios, 46 North Great Clarence Street, North Strand, Dublin 1
FREE All friends, family & public welcome!
No wheelchair access

Presented with the support of D-Light Studios.


About The Choreography Project

See Touch Feel Dance

A regular feature of our BROADREACH programme, THE CHOREOGRAPHY PROJECT is a creative and performance opportunity for adults to work with professional choreographers in the exploration of contemporary dance theatre.  

Please note we would like to make clear that when taking part in our Broadreach projects, you are doing so at your own risk and take full responsibility for any injuries that might occur.

For Further Information Please Contact:

Caoimhe Coburn Gray, Broadreach Project Coordinator T: +353 1 878 0558, E: 
We are fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy and Procedures are available online here.

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