
Light Moves: Festival of Screen Dance

Three ANU & CoisCéim Films by David Bolger, Owen Boss, Louise Lowe.

At Light Moves Festival of Screen Dance, the three films that make up FALLING OUT OF STANDING will be presented on screen. The films premiered in Dublin in April 2017 as part of a physical installation by Owen Boss and are an individual response by the three lead artists’ to the source material and collaborative process in making the award winning performance production, THESE ROOMS in 2016.

For more information please see

LIGHT MOVES: Festival of Screen Dance
Short Films Programme 1
VENUE Dance Limerick, John’s Square, Limerick
DATES Friday, November 3, 2017 at 3:00pm and 4:00pm

Click here to book

 On Saturday, November 4, 2017, David Bolger will take part in Interview: Bodies in Time – Embracing History in Screendance