
Emma O’Kane

Words cannot express our sorrow at the passing of Emma O’Kane on 10 February 2021. Our Artistic Director, David Bolger writes:  

“It is with profound and heavy hearts that we learnt of the passing of Emma O Kane. Emma was a performer of extreme passion and talent. Emma brought her beauty and skill to so many of our productions and is part of the fabric of who we are. When you walked into a rehearsal room with Emma, you felt safe and secure to explore anything. She was fearless. Emma’s dancing was unique and spiritual. She could light up any room or stage simply by making an entrance. Emma was effortless in her ability to capture an audience and bring them on existential journeys, which were profound, honest and transformative. Emma was a stalwart and trailblazer. But most of all Emma was an extraordinary human being. Joyous, loving, and had a great sense of humour. To say we are heartbroken doesn’t even express our sadness. Our thoughts and prayers are with Emma’s mum, Joy, her family and the entire dance community at this time. The light is dimmer on our stages and the sky shines brighter with its latest star. Emma we will miss you forever. RIP.”  

When it is possible for people to gather we intend to host an event to come together and mark Emma’s life and legacy.