
Mysterious and atmospheric, David Bolger and CoisCéim’s Missing premiered during Dublin Dance Festival 2013. The work has been carefully researched and rehearsed – and this is seamlessly evident in the sincerity and depth of its delivery. Strong performances, beautiful lighting, meaningful messag… necessarily inconclusive… haunting…

This poignant duet broaches the experiences of the families and communities left behind. Missing is a reminder of the fragility and beauty of moments shared. It is a dance poem to those absent and to those left in the abyss of the unknown.

Performed by the outstanding dancers Emma O’Kane and Scotland’s Tom Pritchard, Missing sold out completely when it premiered at the Dublin Dance Festival and was voted one of the Top 10 shows of 2013.

O’Kane and Pritchard’s bodies go beyond what words can tell… MISSING reaches out with a finely-tuned intensity

O’Kane always has a strong power, and here she shines through the darkness, giving us a sense of faith and hope. Director David Bolger has dealt with his subject matter with great care. … It’s a dance ‘vigil’, spiritual and true…

MISSING takes “us on a weaving path of movement and words into the world of the vanished…its motion and its grace remind us of what is no longer there.

Dynamic yet heartfelt performances

Performed at

Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Dance Base

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

31 July - 24 August 2014

Irish Tour

Garter Lane Arts Centre


5 April 2014

Irish Tour

Glór Theatre


3 April 2014

Irish Tour

Town Hall Theatre


1 April 2014

Irish Tour

George Bernard Shaw Theatre


29 March 2014

Irish Tour

Backstage Theatre


27 March 2014

Irish Tour



25 March 2014

Irish Tour

John’s Square, Dance Limerick


7 November 2013

Irish Tour

St. Patrick’s College


5 November 2013

Premiere, Dublin Dance Festival

Smock Alley Theatre


23 - 26 May 2013

Double Bill CoisCéim Duets TouR – Spring 2014

With the support of the Arts Council Touring and Dissemination of Work Scheme CoisCéim toured SWIMMING WITH MY MOTHER and MISSING to 6 venues around Ireland in Spring 2014. In addition to the performances, the tour included a variety of workshops.

Moving Conversations

Choreographer David Bolger and invited guests participated in a a panel discussion exploring the issues raised in Missing, as part of DDF’s partnership with Create.


“Beautiful and thought provoking.”

“Moving. Worth seeing for sure. Sensitive yet original concept.”

“Welled up a few times watching Missing – very emotive, beautiful choreography, lighting, score, space.”

“Went to see Missing. Disturbing, unsettling, provocative and totally engaging.”

“Pick of today’s fringe was #Missing @CoisCeim a beautiful lesson in just saying enough, when there is SO much to be said.”

“This always reliable, always innovative dance group’s work is moving and thought provoking. Go see!”


READ: David Bolger’s interview on the DDF Blog

READ: David Bolger talks to Eithne Shorthall for The Sunday Times

LISTEN: Newstalk’s Orla Barry interviewed David Bolger for The Green Room  (the interview starts at 38 minutes)


Cast Emma O’Kane, Tom Pritchard

Direction David Bolger
Choreography David Bolger with Emma O’Kane & Tom Pritchard
Lighting Eamon Fox
Original Music/Sound Ivan Birthistle & Vincent Doherty

Production Manager Des Kenny
Stage Manager Stephanie Ryan
Photography Ros Kavanagh
Graphic Design ALPHABET SOUP
Line Producer Sarah Latty