
The Choreography Project 18

Led by Wendy Houstoun

Friday 27 November – Friday 11 December, 2020


This digital Choreography Project was led by The Guardian’s “maverick of modern dance”, UK-based artist Wendy Houstoun:

“This is going to be something of an experiment for me as well as the participants. The screen can be a brutal thing to a sense of self and I certainly find it distracting to see so much of myself in the act of communicating. I found this great picture by Michael Lipsey who was happy for me to use for this project. It said a lot about what I am interested in. The gap between how we feel and what we look like in photos or moving on screen. It is also something that has occurred a lot during dance training. How a movement looks versus how it feels. So yes. I want to discuss this as an idea and also find a way to mix the formats to build portraits not necessarily of ourselves. I know a lot of us have spent a fair bit of time in isolation with only ourselves for company so I am keen to make this as social an experience as it is possible to be.

It will be a mix of guided work (movement and textual) plus improvised and more playful work alone and together.

Hopefully the technology won’t dominate as, for me, the most important thing is meeting, sharing and articulating ideas that mean something to all of us.”
– Wendy Houstoun

The project culminated in a live improvisation as part of the final session on Friday 11 December



WHEN EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY from Friday 27 November – Friday 11 December 2020
TIME 5:00 – 6:00pm
OPEN TO ANYONE AGED 18+ with at least 1-2 years dance experience


Feature image courtesy of aphorist and artist Michael Lipsey


About The Choreographic Project

See Touch Feel Dance

A regular feature of our BROADREACH programme, THE CHOREOGRAPHY PROJECT is a creative and performance opportunity for adults to work with professional choreographers in the exploration of contemporary dance theatre.  

Please note we would like to make clear that when taking part in our Broadreach projects, you are doing so at your own risk and take full responsibility for any injuries that might occur.

For Further Information Please Contact:

Caoimhe Coburn Gray, Broadreach Project Coordinator T: +353 1 878 0558, E: 
We are fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy and Procedures are available online here.

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