
Isadora Door

Led by Philippa Donnellan

CREATIVE STEPS Youth Dance Group for AGES 15 – 25

This new dance theatre piece ISADORA DOOR was initially developed from a series of experimental workshops with young people in autumn 2007, and drew inspiration from David Bolger’s piece for CoisCéim Dance Theatre, OUT OF HARM’S WAY.

In a reversal of David’s original idea, where people are trapped within a room, ISADORA DOOR follows a group of people waiting outside, longing to enter. A moment of youthful desire to be part of the dream that exists on the other side, ISADORA DOOR sets two shifty-eyed bouncers against the group. Initially fending them off as mere riff-raff, it reveals what happens when they finally allow them in… 

“…and so we embarked on a race against the clock as the deadline of a performance at Sonraigh approached. Each week we came together to practice and pull the piece together. The group responded brilliantly, as each person was assigned a character role and invited to develop choreography with others and make the piece their own. Technically demanding, fast-paced and imaginative, the young dancers tore into the process with much passion, enjoyment and energy. Black and white costumes were created – and before long we were on the road to Wexford. It was an absolute delight to see the performance of ISADORA DOOR performed with so much commitment on the stage at Wexford Opera House. 

THANK YOU to the fantastic Steppers who took part – a memorable experience!” – Philippa Donnellan


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