
The Choreography Project 20

Led by Justine Doswell

4 September – 15 October, 2023


Be truely creative.
Try something completely different.
Meet like-minded people passionate about dance and theatre.

The Choreography Project is an opportunity to work with professional choreographers in the exploration of contemporary performance. Each project is hugely diverse, providing a lively, unique experience of the creative process and the varied practices of collaboration. This autumn, multi-disciplinary dance artist Justine Doswell led a 6 week-long project at CoisCéim Studio in Fairview, Dublin 3. It culminated in an informal public sharing on 15 October.

An ensemble of participants walking in formation

“My practice has consistently been anchored in creative collaboration and in finding new pathways to connect. The nature of collaboration, the relationships and the negotiations involved, how they influence each other and what the connecting components are or could be, are all questions I continually explore and I often find it is through these means that an underlying narrative emerges. My work is also characterised by my interest in dynamic structure, living systems and chaos theory and the suggestion that within the apparent randomness there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, repetition, self-similarity and self-organisation.

Archaeoastronomy (the understanding of the sky in the past) as well as ethnoastronomy (current cultural perceptions of the sky) study how people have wondered throughout history and still question today, why we are here, where we are going, and where we come from. “All cultures have a sky,” observes astronomer and archaeologist Clive Ruggles. The non-territorial beyond airspace – myths, philosophies and beliefs, science and the unfathomable. This is what I would like to introduce as a starting point for our creative process, one that we can explore individually and as a group. See where it leads us…. and play, discover, connect and create together.”


Mondays & Thursdays, 4 September – 15 October
Mondays 6.15 – 7.45pm, Thursdays 6.15 – 9.15pm,
Additional rehearsal on Saturday 14 October 
WHERE CoisCéim Studio, 42 Fairview Strand, Dublin 3 (Click HERE for map)
BOOKING Recommended price €156*

Culmination performance on 15 October 2023

*In 2022, following the publication of our new Strategic Plan, we introduced Pay What You Can price options. For THE CHOREOGRAPHY PROJECT 20 these range from €65 – €299



See Touch Feel Dance

A regular feature of our BROADREACH programme, THE CHOREOGRAPHY PROJECT is a creative and performance opportunity for adults to work with professional choreographers in the exploration of contemporary dance theatre.  

Please note we would like to make clear that when taking part in our Broadreach projects, you are doing so at your own risk and take full responsibility for any injuries that might occur.

For Further Information Please Contact:

Caoimhe Coburn Gray, Broadreach Project Coordinator T: +353 1 878 0558, E: 
We are fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy and Procedures are available online here.

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