Accessibility Statement

CoisCéim Dance Theatre is committed to embedding inclusivity into everything we do – through our distinctive style of performance, our engagement and participation initiatives, together with making our home at 42 Fairview Stand and this website as accessible as we can. It’s a work in progress and we welcome any and all feedback.

We would like to express our gratitude to Arts and Disability Ireland (ADI) for their valuable advice and support across all areas of our activity.


PAY WHAT YOU CAN: Ticket Pricing 

In 2022, following the publication of our strategic plan, CoisCéim introduced Pay What You Can ticket options, where audiences and participants can choose a price that works for them. Since its introduction, we’ve seen many new faces at our performances and projects and can also happily report that when given the choice people who can afford to pay the recommended price or more, do – and in doing so support others who can’t. 

Please note that in certain circumstances, CoisCéim is not able to input on ticket prices as these lie within complete control of the presenting venues. In these instances, CoisCéim will use all best efforts to ensure that price is not a barrier to people being able to experience our work.

Audio Described/Irish Sign Language (ISL) & Relaxed Performances 

In line with CoisCéim’s strategic goals, making our performance productions as accessible to as many people as possible is a priority.  

Following its success as part of the premiere production of THE WOLF AND PETER at the Baboró International Arts Festival for Children in 2015, relaxed performances have become a regular feature of all our performance productions. Depending on the nature of the work, we look to provide Irish Sign Language interpreted performances for deaf audiences and where possible, we prioritise interpretation that sees the interpreter integrated into the performance.

In 2024, we were proud to stage our first audio described performance in collaboration with ADI and hope to be able to build on this in the future and make our work accessible to blind and visually impaired audience members.


Outdoor Performances & Dance Encounters in Everyday Spaces

One of our key inclusivity goals is to underscore that DANCE IS FOR EVERYONE. To this end over recent years, we have initiated a number of projects that aim to bring accessible contemporary dance performance into everyday civic and social spaces for people to enjoy as part of their everyday. We hope that through projects such as BENCH, IN THE MAGIC HOUR, FRANCIS FOOTWORK VR and various Broadreach initiatives – we can be ​​a key part of the process in improving access to the artform across the entire community and cultivating the perception that contemporary dance is an activity that everybody can see and do.


Visiting our building

While not open to the public, CoisCéim’s studio is an active working environment hosting a multitude of artists and creative professionals. From time to time we open our doors to the wider community for special occasions such as Culture Night, Open House Dublin and the Bloomsday Festival. These events are normally ticketed and limited in capacity – please sign up to our mailing list to stay informed. 

Making our building accessible is a work in progress and we welcome any suggestions that could help us improve 42 Fairview Strand being mindful of the history and heritage of our site.


Getting Here

How to get to 42 Fairview Strand: Please see MAP


The Journey from the Front Door to the Studio

On arrival you will enter the building by the blue door on the small porch and turn to the left.  This will lead you into the kitchen area where you will see a round wooden table. Ahead of you is a sliding door that leads into the Studio.


The Journey from the Front Door to the Atrium

On arrival you will enter the building by the blue door on the small porch and turn to the left. This will lead you into the kitchen area where you will see a round wooden table. When turning left at the table you will see a sliding door that leads into the Atrium.

Assistance Animals

We welcome all registered service dogs to assist people with a disability. Animals should be registered with one of the following organisations: Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind; Dogs For The Disabled; Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland or the International Guide Dog Federation. We will ask for documentary evidence from the animal’s registered owner.

Accessibility Audit

The history and heritage of CoisCéim’s home mean that there are limitations to the works that we may carry out to improve accessibility. In 2024, through STREAM E funding from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and with advice from ADI, CoisCéim conducted a specialist Accessibility Audit and is currently in the process of implementing key recommendations within the limitations of our distinctive structure.



For those with limited mobility, we have a mobile wheelchair ramp to provide access to the sprung floor of the dance studio which is one short step up from ground level. The Atrium space is on the ground floor and wheelchair accessible. At the current time, the structural fabric of the building limits our ability to provide internal access from the studio to the accessible bathroom in the dressing room area.  

Please inform us of any special mobility needs at least 24 hours in advance of your visit.


Accessible Bathroom

There is one accessible bathroom that can be reached through the dressing room area.



There are no stairs required to access the Atrium space. There is one step to access the Studio.


Accessible Seating

Wheelchair seating locations are available for all special events – please email us in advance to reserve these spaces.


The Weekly Wednesday Class at the Carmelite Centre

CoisCéim Broadreach’s recurrent dance classes for older people take place in The Carmelite Community Centre. For wheelchair users or for those with limited mobility, there is a lift which connects to the main hall on the first floor. These classes aim to accommodate a broad range of mobility with all exercises being open to adjustment for a seated position.


Website Accessibility

CoisCéim Dance Theatre is committed to ensuring that this website is accessible to everyone and have tried to ensure that this site complies with the following standards:

  • Accessibility: all pages were developed to conform at a minimum with the Double AA rating of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines v2.0
  • HTML: the HyperText Markup Language code that underpins this site validates to the HTML5 standard
  • CSS: the Cascading Style Sheets that define the structure and look of this site validates to W3C standards

Design & Coding

  • This site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define structure and layout If your browser does not support CSS or if you turn disable CSS support the content of each page is still readable
  • Structured semantic markup has been used for the pages. H1 tags are used for main titles, H2 tags for subtitles and so on
  • Links are generally written to make sense out of context
  • All fonts are scalable allowing users to define the base font size
  • All forms are coded using LABEL and ID attributes
  • All content images contain descriptive ALT attributes

Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word Content

Some pages contain Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word content. Please visit the Adobe website for information on PDF accessibility, and the Microsoft website for information on accessibility.


If you would like any additional information related to accessibility at CoisCéim - or to discuss your needs ahead of your visit please email Sarah at or calling her at 01 878 0558.